Hello there.
I'm Paul Santos
I am a driven, creative software engineer passionate about developing secure, user-friendly web applications. My background as a healthcare provider inspires me to be involved in the healthtech space, where I hope to develop software that improves healthcare providers' workflows (such as EMRs) and promotes health education. I’m also deeply interested in projects related to wellness, mental health, education, and languages, but I am always excited to take on new challenges for other types of project as well.
Email Address: paul.santos2107@gmail.com
Web Technologies & Skills
- Programming Languages: Javascript, Python, SQL, HTML, CSS
- Front-End Frameworks and Libraries: React, Next.js (app router), Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap CSS, Material UI
- Back-end Frameworks and Libraries: Next.js (app router), Node, Express, Embedded Javascript, Django
- Database and Database Management: (NoSQL)- MongoDB, Mongoose; (SQL/Relational Databases): Supabase PostgreSQL
- Authentication/Authorization: NextAuth.js v5 (aka Auth.js), Google OAuth, Sessions-Based Authentication, JSON Web Tokens
- Tools and Platforms: Git, Github, Vercel, Netlify, Heroku, Trello, Figma, Huly, Slack

About Me

Hey there! My name is Paul, and I appreciate you for taking the time to check out my portfolio! I'm originally from Los Angeles, California, and I’m a full-stack software engineer specializing in front-end development, particularly building applications with React.js and Next.js. What I love most about software engineering is the challenge of solving complex problems and watching the software I build come to life!
Currently, I’m working on two main projects: KnowNative (see below) and a website for a Tahitian dance troupe, which is still in progress. Prior to software engineering, I worked in healthcare as a physical therapist, particularly in outpatient orthopedics and home health physical therapy. I am also a proud graduate from the University of California, Los Angeles.
Outside of coding, my hobbies include Tahitian dance, learning languages (especially French), yoga, hip hop dance, trying new food, hiking, and taking on new escape rooms.
I'm always eager to collaborate on exciting projects and explore new challenges in software development! Let's connect!
1. KnowNative (Open-Source Project)
Check Out the Project!
KnowNative is a language learning application focused on enhancing Chinese language skills by improving vocabulary and reading comprehension.
Role: Open Source Core Contributor
Tech: MongoDB, Express, React, Node
2. WanderWise
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WanderWise is a travel advisory application where users can search for recommendations for restaurants, hotels, flights, and recreational activities for their upcoming trips.
Role: Full Stack Software Engineer
Tech: Next.js (App Router), React, Supabase, PostgreSQL, NextAuth.js, Tailwind CSS
3. Order-Eatz
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Order-Eatz is a mobile food ordering application where users can make food orders, save food orders, look through a menu of food options, and leave comments + reviews for food items.
Role: Team Lead- Full Stack Software Engineer
Tech: React, Node, Express, MongoDB, Tailwind CSS
4. SweatShare
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SweatShare is a fitness application where users can find exercise programs to try out and create exercise programs to share with other users.
Role: Software Engineer
Tech: HTML, CSS, Vanilla JavaScript, Node, Embedded JavaScript, Bootstrap, Express, MongoDB
5. Pokemon Trivia Game
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Pokemon Trivia game is a game where users can test their knowledge on everything Pokemon! Users will be tested across 5 different categories of questions in a 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire' type of format.
Role: Software Engineer
Tech: HTML, CSS, Vanilla JavaScript
Feel free to contact me either through email or through my LinkedIn! I respond to both. I will be building out a messaging area soon for this section so that you may send messages to me directly! :)
Email: paul.santos2107@gmail.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/paulsantos2107/